Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Busy Weeks Ahead

It still seems surreal that I am taking my first trip overseas in just a couple weeks. I always talked about it in the past, and usually said my first destination would be Beijing, but sometimes I would think it is more a passing fancy than a dream to achieve. This week, however, it is more of a means to an end. I just haven't figured out that end.

Sunday was a fun day. Monday was a good day. Tuesday was a hectic day. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

Let's start with Sunday. After a candidate meeting in Geneva, I stopped by Best Buy to pick up a new camera. Normally, I wouldn't worry about what I am purchasing but this is no normal situation. First, and this is a little dirty secret, I don't actually own a real digital camera. I usually borrow some one's camera or use the old camera I have, which has outlived its purpose. The camera is a few years old and can rarely hold a charge. Sadly, it must go.

The second reason for this camera is because photography is a hobby of mine. I enjoy taking shots wherever I go. I would post the photos here, but there are too many favorites, so I'll send you to my photo album, http://www.flickr.com/photos/18218029@N07/. Whatever camera I buy will, hopefully, be the first step towards making this a serious hobby where I can convey my thoughts through the lens. Anyway, I bought the camera and started playing with it (I'm a kid in a candy store when it comes to Best Buy, it's worse when I actually buy the pieces of candy).

Monday was good because I was able to meet with the mission director to begin going over details of the trip and answer some questions I had. And I do have many questions. There were the probing queries - How can I avoid offending anyone? - and there were the selfish thoughts - Is there any way I can run in the morning while out there? While I cannot really go over everything we discussed, only because we talked about a lot, I can say that there is a growing sense of anticipation within me.

I still remain open-minded about this trip and refuse to establish any expectations, primarily because I still cannot get over the first hurdle of being in an airplane for such a long time (how does anyone endure transcontinental flights?). But the more I learn about Liberia and the more I prepare for the trip, the more I think this is going to be an event I will talk about the rest of my life. Why it will be such an adventure, I don't quite know yet, but it will be.

Which leads to Tuesday. Work was crazy, between research still needed on some financial data and a less-than-friendly website. Actually, I must say I don't understand why everyone thinks websites are easy to maintain. I find them to be a real pain in the butt.

I set a meeting after work to meet with those who were planning on taking this trip with me but had to pass for one reason or another. It was important for me, especially, to let them know pretty much what I've written on this blog so far; that they have played a big role in my progression towards this trip and that I appreciate all they have done. It was great, really, to see them again since I've been so busy. I tend to forget how much more there is in this world when I start focusing on my job. It really is a bad habit, but one I've held some times. Meeting with them Tuesday night gave me pause, something I needed. Hopefully it will last through the next couple weeks because the sprint to Election Day is crazy and it rarely feels like it will end.

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