Monday, December 29, 2008

Where to Go From Here

As you can tell, I have started to reach the end of my African trip. I have one more entry to enter, which I will do tomorrow.

I cannot help but to look back at this previous year and sit in wonder and awe. I never thought I would do the things I did, visit the places I visited, nor meet the people I've met. Instead, I have lived an adventurous and enjoyable year.

When the world rings in 2009 this week many things will not change. Winter will still be biting for most of the north. Violence will still ravage the Middle East (especially Israel, it appears). And the Cubs wills till break my heart every summer.

But other things are beginning anew. Aside from the obvious, a new president, we will have new opportunities to make the next year more exciting than the previous. Granted, I don't know how I'm going to top going to Africa, meeting one of the presidential candidates and working on my last political campaign. I'm sure I'll figure it out, though.

I've enjoyed telling my story to whomever is reading and I hope you've enjoyed reading it, as well. Storytelling is always an exciting exercise of the mind.

As such, I can't just stop because my trip has ended. There is a life to live and I wouldn't mind sharing it from time to time. So, I'm going to leave this blog untouched - sort of as an archive of my trip to Africa.

I have a new blog which will start in the new year. If you enjoyed reading this, then I hope you'll enjoy my new blog - There is nothing there at the moment, but that'll change come January 2, 2009.

There won't be daily postings like this blog. I think it would get boring quickly if I posted daily. I could see it now, "Today I woke up at 7:30 instead of 7:00. It didn't change my schedule much, but I saw some new people at the gym because of my half-hour delay." (Pulitzer material right there, I'm telling you) Instead, I will post on anything that is truly exciting and on musings that I may have. I'll try to keep the politics to a bare minimum, but I think it could be interesting to see what comes from the new year.

So to all, I hope you had a very Merry Christmas (or Hanukkah) and I hope you will have a Happy New Year. May 2009 be an exciting and prosperous time for everyone.

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