Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lift Off

+16:30 Chicago ~
It's surreal to think I am on a flight overseas. I have always wanted to travel abroad, but never really did anything practical about it. Now, I'm flying over Lake Michigan on my way to Brussels before flying south to Liberia. Africa! What an opportunity! There are some early thoughts:

Three languages - Everything is done in three languages on this flight; English, French and Flemish. The Flemish is the most interesting of the three. So many letters yet so little time used to pronounce them. Although, I will say the whole thing was entertaining at first, but when it takes five minutes to tell me to buckle my seat belt, it becomes a little tiring.

Kids - I love kids. I think it would be great to have kids. Even kids who speak French. But I do not think kids should ever fly in a plane until they know how to handle take offs and landings. Otherwise, it makes for a long flight for the American sitting behind you who has never flown internationally before. Apparently, though, juice resolves this crying thing.

Backpacks - Make sure your backpacks are completely empty before you start packing for long journeys. Especially if, for some odd reason, you have a butter knife in the bag. It makes for longer waits through security and makes you feel like a fool. And it forces the TSA personnel to give you the stink eye, which is no fun.

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